
Dethatching Mower AttachmentThatch is part of the natural life cycle of grass, but it can cause problems for your lawn. De-thatching your yard promotes healthier grass, whether you have green space at home or at your business. Typically, de-thatching is only needed about once per year.

What is Lawn Thatch?
You can think of thatch as a layer of dead grass and vegetation that simply collects on top of the soil. An accumulation of thatch on your lawn is simply a natural part of the life cycle of grass plants.

A common myth is that mulched grass clippings make thatch worse, but that’s just not true. In reality, mowing your lawn often while resisting the urge to cut it extremely short can actually help it grow and thrive.

Thatch keeps water from reaching the soil and soaking down into the root system of your lawn. If you don’t remove lawn thatch, it will eventually choke out the grass and could very well contribute to a diseased lawn. Controlling grass thatch will allow both air and sunshine to reach the top of the soil and promote healthy, green, and growing grass.

If you’re seeing yellowing areas in your lawn, it’s a good idea to work on removing lawn thatch. It’s best to de-thatch yards in the spring so the grass can breathe throughout the season.


Get Help De-Thatching Your Yard
De-thatching your lawn means healthier yards and commercial landscapes with lush, green grass. If you’d rather not spend time de-thatching your lawn at home or at your business, we’ll do it for you. We always take a look at the lawn first to see if de-thatching is necessary. If it is, you can either request we come out as needed or we can set up annual visits to make life a little easier for you.