
Landscaping your yard can include many tasks, all of which are generally meant to make residential and commercial lawns more appealing. Yet there can be benefits to certain kinds of landscaping beyond just their visual appeal.


Yard Lawn LandscapingBenefits of Commercial and Residential Lawn Landscaping
Taking time to landscape creates a more appealing lawn or outdoor space that you’ll want to use more often. Depending on the type of landscaping you choose, it could also save you some time on outdoor maintenance. Commercial mulch and rock landscaping, for example, will cut back on the time you spend controlling weeds around your business.

Landscaping at home, such as garden or lawn edging, can create a clean-looking outdoor space. For instance, edging a rock bed will corral those smaller rocks in place. But landscaping can also be a useful tool during rainy days because it can actually encourage water to flow away from your house. While this is not a solution if you have water seeping into your basement, it can be a way to divert some excess water away from your home.


Landscaping Services in Willmar
Our team at Yard Smart offers light landscaping services for residential and commercial lawns in the Willmar area. We offer a few different services, including installation of yard pavers and Black Diamond edging installation, which is the plastic edging you tend to see around rock beds. Sometimes, you’ll see this type of plastic used as lawn or garden edging as well. 

We install commercial mulch and rock beds as well as residential mulch and rock.  Plus, we remove or add plants and we provide commercial sidewalk edging.

If you’d like to explore landscaping ideas for your home or business, it’s best to give us a call in the spring if possible. We will come out and measure the area you’d like landscaped and provide personalized recommendations on light landscaping options.