Spring Yard Cleanup

Lawn Mower With Bag Attachment

Spring is often associated with spring cleaning tasks indoors. As you’re cleaning your house or business after winter, don’t forget to do some spring lawn cleaning, too. Taking time to perform some spring yard maintenance can mean the difference between a sparse, patchy lawn in summer or a green, growing yard at home or at your business.


Are There Benefits to Spring Lawn Cleaning?
While you don’t have to clean up your yard once spring arrives, it’s a good idea if you want a healthy lawn for summer. If you don’t do some spring lawn cleaning, all the leftover debris from fall and winter can slow the growth of grass. It can even mean you’ll have thin, patchy areas throughout your lawn. Performing spring yard maintenance promotes healthier grass which makes your home or business look a little more polished, too.


When is the Best Time for Spring Yard Cleanup?
The first signs of spring signal warmer weather, but they also signal it’s time to start the spring yard cleanup process. When temperatures reach the low 40s, you’ll want to rake your lawn to remove any leaves, grime, and even snow mold left over from the colder months.

If you didn’t get a chance to apply fertilizer in the fall, you could apply it as early as April, depending on the weather. Spring is a good time to apply weed control and pre-emergent as well. Plus, it’s also the next best season for aerating your lawn if you didn’t aerate during the fall months.




Spring Yard CleanupHow to Prepare Your Lawn for Spring
After raking the yard, it’s a good idea to blow out any debris hanging around in your rock beds and landscaping. Then, be sure to clean up sticks in the yard. As the temperatures warm and the ground starts thawing, it’s safe to apply fertilizer, weed control, or pre-emergent if they didn’t get applied during fall.

These tasks can be time consuming, especially if you don’t have a leaf blower or dethatching equipment that quickly and easily remove debris from the lawn. If you’d rather not spend time on spring yard maintenance, give us a call. Our team can handle all these tasks for you, including lawn aeration. We’re also certified to apply weed control and fertilizer, and we’re able to use stronger ingredients that get evenly disbursed throughout the yard.